Our Story

Rescuing and caring for abandoned dogs

Established in September 1978, the Haven has a 40 plus-year legacy welcoming, caring for and rehoming abandoned and surrendered dogs. While our commitment to supporting the dogs has not wavered over the years, the form and function of this support has evolved.

Today the Haven operates a state-of-the-art shelter, purpose-built to ensure the highest level of care for the dogs. The premises includes:

  • A large kennel building, constructed using fire-proof materials and an eco-friendly design to maintain comfortable temperatures throughout the year;
  • Large outdoor yards with trees, shelters and small cool-off ponds for day-time activity; and
  • A commercial kitchen and laundry to ensure the preparation of high-quality food, and comfy and hygienic bedding.

As a registered charity, we are heavily reliant on volunteers and donations for continued operations. The Haven funds direct care in the shelter, behavioural training when needed and ongoing support after rehoming for approved pre-existing conditions.

For over 40 years, hundreds of volunteers and staff have supported the dogs at the Haven. Some have since passed away and others continue to work in the animal welfare sector today. Our thanks to all these people will, of course, never be enough. The dogs you have helped us to home will be your legacy. You changed lives.

To those of you who have taken one or more of our dogs into your home, thank you! You have changed the life of that dog forever. And PLEASE consider returning to us when you have room in your family for just one more…